
This disclaimer covers your use of the following websites:

These are websites of Vanden Broele NV, with registered office at Stationslaan 23, 8200 Bruges (Belgium) with company number 0451.355.351, VAT BE 0451.355.351,, T. +32 50 64 28 00.

General information is provided to you via these websites, which should not, however, be considered as specific advice. Although great care has been taken in developing the content of these websites, it cannot be guaranteed that this information is complete and accurate.

If you order products or services through these websites, these general terms and conditions will apply to such order(s). 

These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time without notice. By accessing and using these websites, you accept these terms and conditions. It is recommended that you check these terms and conditions regularly for modifications and updates.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Vanden Broele's liability will be limited to 500 euros per damaging occurrence. Vanden Broele shall not be liable for indirect and subsequent damage, including (but not limited to) loss of turnover, loss of profit, loss of data, loss of goodwill and loss of opportunity.

These terms and conditions are regulated by Belgian law. Any dispute relating to or arising from your use of this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Bruges (Belgium).

Intellectual property rights

The content of these websites is protected by intellectual property rights. You are authorised to access the content of our websites for your own personal use and for your internal business use.

If materials are made accessible to you as a download or by e-mail, you have the right to download and copy those materials free of charge for your own personal use and for your internal business use. For specific materials, you may be granted specific rights such as (but not limited to) the right to make those materials available to third parties free of charge, provided that you do not modify those materials. This will be indicated in the relevant material.